Mike McNamara A Hard Act to Follow
Wednesday, 22 January 2020 at 11:51
Mike McNamara -This Transmission. Free download. Argotist on-line
Mike McNamara –Dialling a Starless Past. ₤5.99 Arenig Books
Mike McNamara, poet and lead singer in Big Mac’s Wholly Soul Band, published two slim volumes in 2019, This Transmission, (Argotist Books), and Dialling a Starless Past (Arenig Books). They are different in content, but not in style, packed with and sometimes bursting at the seams with energy, images, references and feeling. McNamara was born in 1955 of Welsh and Irish parentage. His early childhood was spent in Larne in the north of Ireland, but then his family moved to South Wales. He joined the army at the age of seventeen, but was uncomfortable with military life ending up in military gaol. He earned a living as a lorry driver, but it’s clear that he is an avid reader and has a life-long love affair with music.
His poetry harks back to neo-romanticism of the 1940s a style and way of looking at the world which was almost killed off by the rational neat compositions of the Movement, but re-emerged in the popular music of the 1960s and regional poetries of Liverpool, the North-East and Northern Ireland. The shorter poems have more than a tang of early Barry MacSweeney; McNamara and MacSweeney seem to have had similar demons, but McNamara seems to have put his aside without much visible effect if the clips on You Tube are anything to go by. “This Transmission” displays a word-spinning gift that begs to be heard live. In the cutthroat world of professional poetry in Britain, purists might cavil at the use of words such as “shard” and “darkling.” The longish poem Crab Apple Jack is perhaps too much of a good thing, but is still a compelling read if only for the great waves of language, personal memory and reference that wash over the reader. Elsewhere he has greater discipline. In The Hotel of Thoughts there is this magical passage:
“A thin woman with cracked cigarette lips
And tattoos is singing.
And I hear a wonderful endlessness in your breathing.
Who are you in your black diesel proof shoes
Smelling of pipe tobacco?
The only movement is the curtains.”
There are other I-wish-I’d-written-that passages in this collection. McNamara ranges from the Druids to Paul Celan, but also demonstrates a control of form using rhyme to enhance an emotional effect as in ‘The Windows Are Such’
Ongoing loss without words. No regret.
Let us be done now with the tears that two must cry,
remembering that those who have never truly met –
should never have to say goodbye.
Probably the best poem in the collection is ‘Hinterland’ where a short line and seemingly disconnected images are put together to create an atmosphere of enormous tension.
Dialling a Starless Past draws directly on autobiographical material often using a characteristic crafted long line. One of the pleasures of reading his poetry isthat he doesn’t chop his lines up to fit some nervous obeisance to the standard poetrybiz line with all its enjambments and absence of memorable strong lines.There are a number of memorable portraits as in ‘Skinhead Girls’
Skinhead girls, their fleeting moment of pride played out
in loafered feet and Pretty Polly tights,
short skirted mohair suits,
hitching rides to romance from scooter knights.
and The Hard Man’s Grave Revisited with its deadly ironies
They liked those lines about you; sharp
tutors talked of sympathy, underdogs, destiny.
They’d have felt the same, of course,
if they’d crossed you, drunk and bloodied
on some misspent giro night.
There is a concentration on a misspent youth and early manhood. Why not? Unlike Larkin McNamara has truly said “Stuff your pension,” gone ahead and lived to tell the tale. There are some shorter vignettes. ‘I Lean on the Door Jamb’ could have been written by the late Ken Smith and the sparseness of ‘On the Brow of the George Street Bridge’ is heartbreaking.
She always had that little princess smile
but no king to cherish her.
Heroin was the only thing
to love her.
On the brow of The George Street Bridge.
Mike McNamara is poet whose poems should be read as possessing wit, passion and immense skill with language reminding us that poetry does start and remains to its advantage in the rag and bone shop of the heart.